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Community Polymer Clay Workshops....

As a free lance artist I can offer your organisation a bespoke Polymer Clay workshop which will be tailor made for your group. This could be an hour long session in a local library, an all day drop in session at a local nature reserve on a nature inspired theme, or a make and take at a Craft and Chat group. 

Atherton Young Carers, near Bolton
Ladies workshop at Kings Church in Bolton
Haigh Hall Arts Festival in Wigan
Chapel Walk Classin Sheffield
Workshop at Platt Bridge Library near Wigan
Ince Library Workshop near Wigan
Scotsman Flash in Wigan was the base for this nature inspired workshop.

Polymer Clay Wigan Flashes

I have run community based workshops for over 20 years. They are run on a 'drop-in' basis... children with their parents come along to a nature session run by the Wildlife Trust and then they come along to a creative workshop help in the great outdoors! (Weather and gazebo permitting!!)

On the Lancashire Wildlife Trusts bug hunt, the children made creative clay critters!
Bug hunting at the flash in Wigan with Lancashire Wildlife Trust

Community Workshops at the Wigan Flashes

Lancashire Wildlife Trust Fimo Clay Butterfly
Making Fimo clay bugs at Scotsman Flash in Wigan

I work for this community arts organisation here in Sheffield in a variety of ways, sometimes using my clay skills or often making art with a whole host of other materials.

Ignite Imaginations Workshops....

Sea Cadets Polymer Clay Project - Sheffield

The sea cadets and Gill from Gill's Clay Creations worked together to make this Polymer Clay picture.
Gill's Clay Creations worked for Ignite Imaginations and the Sheffield Sea Cadets and created this wonderful clay picture.
Fimo picture for Rememberence Day
Fimo workshop

Toad Abodes at Plot 44 - Sheffield

Toad house
Making toad houses in Sheffield
Frog figure

This childrens event was held at a community allotment in Sheffield. 


We had great fun making these cute little toad houses from old plascit containers, plaster of paris and pebbles and rocks. It was a beautiful sunny day too. There were lots of other activities that the children could get involved with.

Wardsend Cemetry and Watercliffe Meadow Primary School Local Heroes Project - Sheffield

This workshop linked an old abandoned cemetry with a local primary school. The cemetry was commemorating it's 160th anniversary and they wanted the children to remember the 'local heroes' that were buried there. They made the clay figures and also told us what they would like to be when they grow up. Their work was then displayed at the 160th Anniversary Open Day. Children and their parents came to look at the art work and then made some wild flowers that were found in the area.

Workshop at Wardsend Cemetery
Gill's Clay Creations Fimo clay workshop
Local heroes project with Ignite Imaginations and Watercliffe Meadow Primary School
Workshop at Wardsend Cemetery
Fimo figures
Workshop at Wardsend Cemetery
Workshop at Wardsend Cemetery
Workshop at Wardsend Cemetery

Food Festival in the Winter Gardens in Sheffield - had great fun making all sort of yummy Fimo goodies

Making fun Fimo food in Sheffield
Making fun Fimo food
Fun with Foody Fimo in the Winter Gardens in Sheffield
Having fun with Fimo

Map Project for Wigan and Leigh Hopsice

This project was created by year 7 and year 8 pupils from Hindley High School in collaboration with the patients at Wigan and Leigh Hospice. 

Photographs of the local area and well known landmarks were taken, then a quirky map was created for the lounge area at the hospice. The young people were encouraged to chat the the people who stayed there about their memories and it was to dispel some myths about what a hospice is like. The young people involved were surprised at how happy and peaceful the environment was despite the reason why people were there. 

Students and artwork
Hospice artwork
Workshop at Wigan and Leigh Hospice
Hindley quirky map
Hindley quirky map
Hospice Project

Polymer Clay Workshops for
Ignite Imagination at Highfield Library in Sheffield

This workshop for Ignite Imaginations was based on the theme of Aliens from Space. The children had some art materials available to draw their aliens and some of them wrote a short story about them. They then continued on to create them out of the Fimo modelling clay. 

Library workshop in Sheffield
Library workshop in Sheffield
Library workshop in Sheffield
Library workshop in Sheffield
Fimo monsters
Fimo monsters
Fimo monsters
Fimo Monsters
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