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 Price list...

You will find on here all the information you need regarding the fees that Gill's Clay Creations charges for the services she provides. There may be some exceptions to the rule. If there is something that you would like me to provide for you or your group please get in touch. Thanks.

School Workshop

Please note... that from January 2020 I am only able to run local school workshops for a day or half a day, which is on a Wednesday. This is due to my increased workload with the homeless charity Crisis. 




Fee per day....................................£275.00

Fee per half day.............................£135.00

Planning of New Workshop ........  £135.00

Planning Meeting............................FREE

Evaluation Meeting.........................FREE

Phone Meetings................................FREE

Travel Expenses (per mile)...................40p

Installation of art work(simple).......FREE

Installation of artwork (complex)... enquire


Assembling of artwork...............from £135.00

Extra Meetings..................................FREE


Frame Costs A1 frame.................from £25.00

Postage of Art work................from £25.00

After School Club (6 sessions pp)......£.40.00


CLAY COSTS: depends on the subject and number of children involved. (A rough estimate is for 30 children for half day is about £35.00)


Talks and Demonstrations
Children's Birthday Parties

Please note... that from January 2020 I am only able to do a talk and demonstration during the day on a Wednesday, but any time in the evening, as per usual. This is due to my increased workload with the homeless charity Crisis.


Talk and Demonstration.............. £50.00
Travel Expences (per mile).................40p
Mini Make and Take (per person).. £4.00



Birthday Party.....  £120.00

Travel Expenses.....40p per mile

Over 10 children (per person)..........£8.00

Deposit when booking..................... £30.00


(This is for 10 children)


Brownie/Guide Groups

Fee (up to 15 children).....................£60.00

Additional children or staff (per person).........£3.50

Travel Expenses (per mile)......................40p

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